Undertale Yellow is an unofficial prequel to Undertale, developed by a group of fans of the original game, looking to pay homage to one of the best RPGs in history. The game, which was in development for more than 7 years, has the approval of Toby Fox, Undertale's original developer. In this prequel, you will not control the human, the main character of the original game, but Clover, a completely new protagonist for this story.
Same gameplay as Undertale
If you have ever played the original Undertale, you will automatically recognize all the mechanics of Undertale Yellow. You are free to move through the setting using the arrow keys. To interact with another character or confirm an action, you can use the Z or Y keys. To cancel you can use the X key. And to access the menu, press the C key. If you encounter monsters, you can always choose whether to fight or not. No one has to die. You decide how you want to approach each encounter.
A new story with a new hero
Undertale Yellow's story stars Clover, a young human who accidentally wanders into the Underground while investigating the disappearance of five other humans. Once there, he meets Flowey, who will accompany him throughout his adventure as he tries to get back to the surface. Along the way you can explore some of the locations you might recognize from the original game, but you will also discover new areas. Depending on how you interact with the different characters that appear in your adventure, the story will change.
Your decisions determine the story
In Undertale Yellow, all the decisions you make, both in and out of combat, will determine the flow of the story, the type of music you will listen to, and even the overall difficulty level. This way you can feel the effects of each decision you make. Undertale Yellow even has three different endings, and you will see a different ending depending on how many enemies you kill during your adventure.
A prequel on the same level as the brilliant Undertale
Download Undertale Yellow if you like Undertale. This prequel offers a new story within this exciting world with monsters and humans, with very similar gameplay, some new monsters, and a soundtrack with more than a hundred songs. A treat for fans of Toby Fox's original work and an excellent RPG in its own right.
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